Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain

Is your patient’s sinus problem actually being cause by a kink in the neck? It’s possible. Myofascial trigger points—small knots in the muscles—can cause pain in other parts of the body, making difficult the diagnosis and treatment of a given ailment.

In this valuable book medical educators Donna and Steven Finando merge the Eastern philosophy centered on qi—the energy source found within us—and Western medicine’s advances in physiology to present an effective approach to locating the source of muscle pain and treating it. They begin by explaining the nature of muscles and trigger points and the phenomenology of qi, examining it from the perspective of myofascial syndromes, making it more accessible for health professionals.

Trigger Point Therapy for Myofascial Pain is broken down for easy reference with detailed illustrations—first by the body part, then by muscle groups. The book discusses:
• techniques for building your skills in muscle palpation
• common pain patterns—and pressure point stimulations to relieve them
• evaluation and palpation techniques for reducing trigger points (and alleviating pain) in clinically significant musculature
• stretching exercises to perform after applying pressure to prevent further injury

Both accessible and easy-to-use, this manual will help you evaluate a patient, define the presenting condition, and effectively treat the condition.

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